Handbags are my favorite accessory, hands down. Going vegan (and kicking leather to the curb) led me to reduce my bag collection by a lot, which was great for me. Because let me tell you, it was borderline hoarding. Granted, my current collection of bags is by no means minimalistic, but I now make sure that the bags I keep are ones I actually
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Stella McCartney holds a special place in my heart- this was the biggest splurge I've ever made on fashion, but I fell in love with this bag the moment I saw it. This bag showed me that ethical and sustainable fashion could still mean luxury and amazing quality! This was worth the investment.
I used to love Kate Spade's fun, whimsical designs, and I still do! She's famous for her leather bags, so this vegan patent bag was a rare and special find! It's actually a girls bag, which is why it's tiny, but the size makes it a cute statement piece.
I've worked with 88 Handbags a few times on LMHC and I can honestly say that they are one of my favorite vegan brands, hands down. They make the most amazing quality bags for affordable prices. The Sophie bag is my favorite of the line (and it comes in 6 colors).
Phillip Lim is a major designer and he's famous for his trademark Pashli bag, which is leather and comes with a hefty price tag. He did a collaboration with Target that included a ton of leather-free Pashli bags. I love the structure of this bag!
The Mitsuko Mini from Matt & Nat was the first vegan bag I ever bought, and I purchased it before I even went vegan! I love Matt & Nat's minimalistic designs and clean lines. I have both the black and tan colors- they're super versatile and practical!
Ted Baker is one of my favorite stores, and their fabric clutches are my favorite to add to a fancy outfit. His floral prints are so gorgeous, and the quality and attention to details in Ted Baker pieces are insane.
Thanks for reading! What's your favorite? Let me know in the comments below.